Jewellery and statement for reconciliation and confidence. In silver and gold – and for everyone.
Life is beautiful, even if it is not always without bruises. From childhood days we know: A plaster can help. And now it can also make a statement, be contagious and look great doing so! Because we long for beauty and self-confidence like never before.
Contagious in both senses.
Now there is das::pflaster that we can pin on ourselves and others. Valuable, handmade and solid, in two versions: the classic wound plaster as silber::pflaster and gold::pflaster. It is a nice gesture and a conversation starter, it can break silence, end arguments. And it is decorative: each one a piece of art to wear. From now on we will wear it on upper arms, caps, lapels, ties, maybe even in our hair.

High-class wound care.
In private and in public: das::pflaster is needed everywhere. By families and couples, in politics, in companies, circles of friends, studios, in the supermarket and, last but not least, online.
For me. And for civil courage.
Ten percent of the proceeds from each plaster go to Das NETTZ, the established and only networking centre against hate speech in Germany, which also enjoys the recognition of the German government and the federal programme “Demokratie leben” and is funded by the Robert Bosch Stiftung.
This is because hate on the internet has become a pressing issue, affecting all areas of life. Das NETTZ promotes digital civil courage and advocates for a constructive culture of discourse online.
“We need more cohesion, das::pflaster symbolises exactly that.”
“A plaster connects and protects – that’s exactly what our society needs for respectful coexistence, free of hate and lies online. das::pflaster reminds us of that.”

gold::pflaster and silber::pflaster.
Archetypal: valuable, handmade and solid, healing success in two variations. The shape of das::pflaster is based on the classic wound plaster with breathing holes. It comes in two versions: The silber::pflaster is smaller (about 52 x 15 mm) and made of solid silver. The slightly larger gold::pflaster (about 60 x 17 mm) is also gold-plated with rose gold – for even more healing success. A strong magnet ensures that nothing gets lost.
The gold::pflaster is also rare, as it is limited to only 999 pieces worldwide. Each one is individually engraved by hand with the edition number.
Handmade. With “lost form”.
das::pflaster is elaborately handcrafted in a goldsmith’s workshop in southern Germany. But what does that mean exactly?
Based on the design of real wound plasters from the medicine cabinet, Saskia, the goldsmith, has made models in two sizes – the structure of the surface is rolled into silver sheet, the breathing holes of the plaster are punched out and the padding is welded on.
From each of these models she creates a mold and pours them with wax. The wax plasters created in this way are then embedded in plaster. Once this is solid, the wax can be burned out and the silver poured into the plaster mold.
This process is called “casting with lost mold”. Only in this way is it possible to transfer the fine structure and feel of a material into the precious metal.
After the silver has cooled, the plaster mold is smashed, leaving das::pflaster with casting lugs; they are sawn off, and the reverse side is trimmed. Only after finishing can the silver plasters be gilded and hallmarked. The reverse side receives a fineness stamp for the silver (925) and the hallmark that only decorates das::pflaster: the four dots.
Who is behind it: The initiative das::pflaster.
“das::pflaster is intended to provide a visual incentive to enter into conversation with one another, to develop new narratives. It is meant to promote optimism in times when we need it.”
“The textile structure of a plaster is ephemeral, das::pflaster perpetuates this haptic and thus also the comforting effect in a piece of jewellery for people of all ages.”
“For me, das::pflaster not only makes a social statement. It also stands out – as a piece of art!”
“Many things may now need more than a plaster. But plasters are usually a good start in wound care. das::pflaster stands for healing, trust and for the beauty of life!”